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  1. Department of Chemistry, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • 收稿日期:2009-06-28 修回日期:2009-07-02 出版日期:2009-09-30 发布日期:1982-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 傅若农

Recent advances of gas chromatography

FU Ruonong*   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2009-06-28 Revised:2009-07-02 Online:2009-09-30 Published:1982-03-25
  • Contact: FU Ruonong

摘要: 简要阐述了近几年气相色谱(GC)的发展和特点。GC是一个成熟的技术,广泛地应用于各个领域,近几年GC的发展除了继续研究新的固定相和高性能的毛细管色谱柱之外,主要在全二维气相色谱(GC×GC)、快速GC、便携式GC仪和微型GC仪几个方面。近几年新研究的GC固定相主要集中在常温离子液体和各种环糊精的衍生物。现在GC研究者趋向于使用商品化的GC毛细管柱,而商品化的GC毛细管柱应用最多的是以含5%苯基的聚甲基硅氧烷为固定相的色谱柱。GC×GC发展迅猛,特别是关于调制器的研究,已开发出十多种调制模式,并广泛地应用于各个领域。为了适应大量样品的分析和现场分析,研究和开发了多种快速GC方法和仪器以及便携式GC仪。为了仪器的小型化和专属性检测,μGC仪的研究也稳步地发展起来。

关键词: 便携式气相色谱, 发展 , 快速气相色谱, 毛细管气相色谱, 气相色谱, 全二维气相色谱, 微型气相色谱

Abstract: The recent advances and features of gas chromatography (GC) are briefly described. GC is a considered as a mature technique, and is applied in various fields. Now, in addition to stationary phases and columns, the investigations are focused on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC), fast GC, portable GC, and micro GC (μGC). In the research of stationary phases, the room temperature ionic liquids continue its development, and modified cyclodextrins are other projects of GC stationary phases studied. Today a lot of chromatographers prefer to use commercial capillary GC columns rather than the home made one, and most of the stationary phases of commercial capillary GC columns used are 5% phenyl polydimethylsiloxane.

Key words: advances , capillary gas chromatography (CGC), comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography(GC×GC), fast gas chromatography, micro gas chromatography, portable gas chromatography, gas chromatography (GC)