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陈晓燕, 卢凯, 齐美玲*, 傅若农   

  1. Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-09 修回日期:2009-09-09 出版日期:2009-11-30 发布日期:1981-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 齐美玲

Evaluation of chromatographic performance of polymerized ionic liquid stationary phase for capillary gas chromatography

CHEN Xiaoyan, LU Kai, QI Meiling*, FU Ruonong   

  1. Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2009-07-09 Revised:2009-09-09 Online:2009-11-30 Published:1981-12-25
  • Contact: QI Meiling

摘要: 离子液体作为毛细管气相色谱固定相的选择性和热稳定性是近年人们关注的课题。本文合成了1-烯基-3-苄基咪唑-二(三氟甲基磺酰)亚胺盐(VBIm-NTf2)离子液体并经毛细管柱内聚合制得了聚合离子液体PVBIm-NTf2色谱柱。与VBIm-NTf2色谱柱相比,PVBIm-NTf2色谱柱具有良好的色谱选择性和热稳定性。PVBIm-NTf2色谱柱对Grob试剂、醇混合物、酯混合物和苯系物等都表现了很好的分离能力,并且色谱峰峰形窄且对称。该聚合色谱柱在250 ℃下老化6 h后仍具有良好的分离能力和选择性。本文还测定了PVBIm-NTf2的Abraham溶剂化参数,解析了该固定相与溶质间的相互作用,相关研究国内尚未见报道。研究表明,对常规离子液体进行柱内聚合是改善常规离子液体气相色谱固定相的热稳定性和选择性的有效途径。

关键词: 固定相 , 聚合, 离子液体, 毛细管气相色谱

Abstract: The selectivity and thermal stability of ionic liquids as the stationary phases for capillary gas chromatography (CGC) have attracted much attention of researchers in recent years. In this study, 1-vinyl-3-benzyl imidazolium-bis(trifluoromethane-sulphonyl)imidate (VBIm-NTf2) was synthesized and polymerized (PVBIm-NTf2) in a CGC column. In comparison with VBIm-NTf2, PVBIm-NTf2 exhibits much better thermal stability and chromatographic selectivity, and achieves satisfactory resolution for Grob test mixture, alcohols mixture, esters mixture and aromatics mixture with narrow and symmetric peak shapes. The satisfactory resolution and selectivity of the polymerized column still remain after conditioned at 250 ℃ for 6 h. Additionally, the Abraham solvation parameters of PVBIm-NTf2 were determined and the interactions between the stationary phase and solutes were elucidated. The present work demonstrates that the polymerization is an effective way to improve the selectivity and thermal stability of common ionic liquids as CGC stationary phases.

Key words: capillary gas chromatography, polymerization, stationary phase , ionic liquids