]*>","")" /> 食用植物油鉴别方法的研究Ⅰ.花生油和棕榈油的鉴别


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  • 出版日期:1994-11-30 发布日期:1998-12-25

  • Online:1994-11-30 Published:1998-12-25

摘要: A mixture of petroleum ether-ethyl ether(2∶1,V/V)was used as a developer for the separation ofsterol compounds from edible vegetab le oil on a s illca-sodium carboxymethyl cellulose thin-layer chro-matographic plate. For a given oil there are specific sterols,which can be used as a marker for the oil identifi-cation. The method presented can be effectively used for the discrimination of peanut oil from palm oil.

关键词: 薄层色谱, 花生油, 食用植物油鉴别. , 甾醇化合物, 棕榈油

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