]*>","")" /> 男性精液生殖细胞精蛋白的高效液相色谱分离研究


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  • 出版日期:1994-11-30 发布日期:1998-12-25

  • Online:1994-11-30 Published:1998-12-25

摘要: HPLC has been successfully used to the separation of protamines in sperm cells of fertile and infertilemen. The separation was carried out with TSK G3000 SW column,2mol/L ureaand UV detector at 216nm. From these chromatographic tests here it is shown that there haven’t been enough protamines in sperm cellsof infertile men by compared with fertile men. And this method can be used for assay of protamines in spermcells and is proved to be simple,accurate and sensitive.

关键词: 高效液相色谱, 精蛋白, 人精液细胞.

Key words: NULL