色谱 ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 183-194.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2019.05006
YUAN Yingxin, FAN Chen, PAN Jianzhang(), FANG Qun(
PAN Jianzhang,FANG Qun
Supported by:
袁颖欣, 樊晨, 潘建章, 方群. 基于微流控驱动和控制技术的临床生化分析系统研究进展[J]. 色谱, 2020, 38(2): 183-194.
YUAN Yingxin, FAN Chen, PAN Jianzhang, FANG Qun. Research advances in clinical biochemical analysis systems based on microfluidic driving and control technique[J]. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2020, 38(2): 183-194.
图1 (a) 离心芯片单一分析单元的通道结构、(b)分析单元在离心芯片上的布局和(c)离心芯片实物照片[26]
Fig. 1 (a) Channel structure of single analysis unit on the centrifugal chip, (b) layout of analysis unit in the centrifugal chip, and (c) photograph of the centrifugal chip[26] R1: reservoir for loading enzyme solution; R2: reservoir for loading inhibitor solution; R3: reservoir for loading substrate solution; C1: channel for mixing of enzyme and inhibitor solutions; C2: channel for introducing substrate solution; C3: channel for mixing of enzyme, inhibitor, and substrate solutions; V1 and V2: capillary burst valve 1 and 2.
图5 电润湿滴液的合并分裂过程[33]
Fig. 5 Process of electro-wetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) droplet merging and splitting[33] a. droplet formation by energizing the left electrode; b. droplet deformation by energizing the left and middle electrodes; c and d. droplets splitting by switching the voltage from the middle electrode to the right one; e and f. droplets reassembling by switching the voltage from the right electrode back to the middle one.
图11 连接通道的微泵示意图[42]
Fig. 11 Schematic drawing of a micropump attached to a channel[42] a. side view of the device; b. top view of the device; c. photograph of an assembled micropump and microchannel. EL: electrodes; EC: electrolyte chamber; F: fluid to be pumped; C: channel; SC: snugly fitting cap on the electrolyte chamber; P: pump; CH: channel substrate; CT: connection tube.
图15 电化学传感纸芯片示意图[59]
Fig. 15 Schematic diagram of electrochemical sensing paper-based chip[59] ITO: indium tin oxide; PB: prussian blue; PW: prussian white; GOx: glucose oxidase; HRP: horseradish peroxidase.
图17 Piccolo生化分析仪及离心芯片
Fig. 17 Piccolo biochemical analyzer and centrifugal chips a. blood entering the plasma metering chamber; b. the mixing of the plasma and the diluent; c. the distribution of diluted plasma to the cuvettes containing reagents; d. the optical detection of the cuvettes.
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