色谱 ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 639-646.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2019.10012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


马明广, 魏云霞(), 刘海霞, 刘芳, 尚琼   

  1. 兰州城市学院化学化工学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-12 出版日期:2020-06-08 发布日期:2020-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 魏云霞
  • 作者简介:魏云霞.(0931)7601139, E-mail:weiyx07@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Fabrication and application of polyaniline/titanium dioxide nanotube solid phase microextraction fiber

MA Mingguang, WEI Yunxia(), LIU Haixia, LIU Fang, SHANG Qiong   

  1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou City University, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2019-10-12 Online:2020-06-08 Published:2020-12-10
  • Contact: WEI Yunxia
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province(18JR3RA219);Doctor's Research Start-Up Fund Project of Lanzhou City University(LZCU-BS2018-29);Produce-Learn-Research Projects(LZCU-KJ/2018-013)


以钛丝表面原位阳极氧化生成的二氧化钛纳米管为基体,通过电聚合苯胺组装得到新型聚苯胺包覆二氧化钛复合纳米管阵列固相微萃取纤维。实验讨论了无机酸介质、苯胺浓度和氧化电压对电聚合苯胺的影响,经过对纤维表面形貌和元素成分的分析,得到最佳的纤维涂层条件:电解液组成为1 mol/L的H2SO4-0.5 mol/L的苯胺,聚合电压10 V,氧化时间60 min。采用所制备的纤维与高效液相色谱联用萃取水样中的紫外线吸收剂并优化萃取条件,固相微萃取条件如下:萃取时间40 min,解吸时间4 min,萃取温度40℃,搅拌速率600 r/min,样品溶液中不加NaCl。同时对环境水样中的目标物分析测定,并做加标试验,目标分析物的平均回收率为78.2%~118%,相对标准偏差为4.4%~8.9%。该方法简便、灵敏、准确,适用于环境水样中紫外线吸收剂的快速测定。

关键词: 固相微萃取, 高效液相色谱, 紫外线吸收剂, 二氧化钛, 聚苯胺


A novel solid phase microextraction fiber of polyaniline coated titania composite nanotube (PANI@TiO2NTs/Ti) array was fabricated on a titanium wire by in situ oxidation. The effects of the inorganic acid medium, aniline concentration, and oxidation voltage on the electropolymerization of aniline were discussed. The best forming conditions for the composite fiber obtained by analyzing the surface morphology and composition of the fibers were as follows:electrolyte composing, 0.5 mol/L aniline-1 mol/L H2SO4; electropolymerization, 10 V for 60 min. The developed fibers were used in conjunction with high performance liquid chromatography for the extraction and determination of ultraviolet filters in samples, and the extraction conditions optimized were as follows:extraction time 40 min, desorption time 4 min, extraction temperature 40℃, stirring rate 600 r/min. The average recoveries of the target analytes spiked in real samples ranged from 78.2% to 118%, and the relative standard deviations ranged from 4.4% to 8.9%. The developed method is simple, rapid, and accurate, and it is suitable for the sensitive determination of UV filters in environmental water samples.

Key words: solid phase microextraction (SPME), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ultraviolet filters, titanium dioxide, polyaniline