色谱 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 662-672.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2023.03012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


马超1, 倪洪星2, 戚羽霖1,3,*()   

  1. 1.天津大学表层地球系统科学研究院, 地球系统科学学院, 天津 300072
    2.中化资产管理有限公司, 北京 100045
    3.物质绿色创造与制造海河实验室, 天津 300192
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-19 出版日期:2023-08-08 发布日期:2023-08-03
  • 通讯作者: 戚羽霖
  • 基金资助:

Chemical diversity of dissolved organic matter revealed by ultra performance liquid chromatography-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

MA Chao1, NI Hongxing2, QI Yulin1,3,*()   

  1. 1. Institute of Surface-Earth System Science, School of Earth System Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
    2. Sinochem Asset Management Co., Ltd., Beijing 100045, China
    3. Haihe Laboratory of Sustainable Chemical Transformations, Tianjin 300192, China
  • Received:2023-03-19 Online:2023-08-08 Published:2023-08-03
  • Contact: QI Yulin
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(42230509);National Natural Science Foundation of China(42277456)


采用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)结合四极检测技术,对水体、气溶胶和土壤样品中溶解性有机质(DOM)进行在线超高效液相色谱(UPLC)-质谱分析。3种环境样品主要组成为强极性含盐化合物、富氧低饱和度的单宁酸类化合物、低氧高饱和度的木质素类化合物及蛋白/氨基糖类化合物。UPLC-FT-ICR MS适合分析DOM的分子组成,在水体、气溶胶和土壤DOM中能够有效匹配分子式的质谱峰数目分别为12027、15593和8029个。质谱数据经可视化处理后发现,水体样品的特有组分主要出现在0.1<O/C<0.5、1.0<H/C<1.7区域,为低氧高饱和度的木质素组分;气溶胶样品的特有组分主要出现在0.4<O/C<1.0、1.5<H/C<2.0区域,属于碳水化合物的分布范围;土壤样品在不同极性洗脱段有不同的特有组分,亲水段的特有组分主要出现在0.6<O/C<1.0、0.5<H/C<1.0区域,为单宁酸类化合物,而疏水段的特有组分主要为木质素类化合物。本研究以探索的方式,提出了采用UPLC-FT-ICR MS分析环境体系DOM的方法,选用不同极性的流动相利用UPLC对环境样品中的DOM进行分离,并结合高分辨质谱分析,表征了DOM分离为不同极性组分后的分子组成以及其可能的化合物类型,为揭示更全面的DOM分子组成提供了技术支持。

关键词: 超高效液相色谱, 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱, 溶解性有机质, 可视化表征


Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a highly complex and heterogeneous mixture that exists in various environments, including rivers, oceans, soils, and atmospheric aerosols. DOM plays a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles and significantly influences the environment by regulating water quality, changing the climate, and transporting pollutants. Therefore, clarifying the detailed molecular composition of DOM is essential to obtain a better understanding of its physical and chemical properties, thereby enabling further elucidation of its biogeochemical behavior.

In this study, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) combined with quadrupole detection (QPD) was used to conduct the online ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)-MS analysis of DOM in water, aerosol, and soil samples collected in Tianjin, China. The samples were extracted with pure water and filtered through a glass fiber membrane (0.45 μm). The DOM in the samples was then enriched by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and redissolved in water-acetonitrile (1∶1, v/v) at mass concentration of 200 mg/L for the LC-MS experiments. The mobile phases used for UPLC were water containing 0.1% (v/v) formic acid (A) and acetonitrile containing 0.1% (v/v) formic acid (B). The gradient elution procedure was as follows: 0-5 min, 0B; 5-11 min, 0B-95%B; 11-25 min, 95%B; 25-28 min, 95%B-0B; 28-30 min, 0B. The flow rate was 0.1 mL/min, and the injection volume was 10 μL. The UV wavelength was set at 274 nm. MS detection was performed in negative electrospray ionization (ESI(-)) mode with a capillary voltage of 5.0 kV, and the MS data were collected in broadband (m/z 150-1000) and QPD modes. The transient data size was set to 2M, the free induction decay signal length was 0.74 s, and the ion accumulation time was 0.030 s.

Four chromatographic peaks were observed in the chromatograms. The first peak was identified as salt adduct compounds containing sodium formate. The three other peaks contained complex components, such as oxygen-rich, unsaturated tannin-like compounds, as well as low-oxygen, highly saturated lignin-like and protein/amino-like compounds. UPLC-FT-ICR MS was suitable for assigning the detailed elemental compositions of the DOM samples. UPLC effectively improved the ionization efficiency of difficult-to-ionize compounds and enhanced the detection accuracy of MS. Indeed, MS peaks with a mass difference of as small as 3.4 mDa were well identified. A total of 12027, 15593, and 8029 peaks in the mass spectra of the water, aerosol, and soil samples, respectively, were assigned to known elemental formulae. Peaks Ⅱ and Ⅲ were hydrophilic components mainly including CHNO and CHO compounds. Compared with peak Ⅱ, peak Ⅲ exhibited a significant increase in CHNOS and CHOS, indicating that UPLC exerted a certain separation effect on these compounds. Furthermore, the aerosol samples contained a higher concentration of sulfur-containing compounds than the water and soil samples, primarily because of the abundance of organic sulfates present in atmospheric and cloud water.

Data processing and graphic visualization revealed that the unique components in the water samples mainly appeared in the area of 0.1<O/C<0.5 and 1.0 <H/C<1.7. The compounds detected were low-oxygen and highly condensed lignin-like compounds. The unique components in the aerosol samples appeared in the area of 0.4<O/C<1.0 and 1.5<H/C<2.0, and were classified as carbohydrates. The unique components in the hydrophilic fraction of the soil samples were found in the area of 0.6<O/C<1.0 and 0.5<H/C<1.0, and were determined to be tannin-like compounds. By contrast, the components in the hydrophobic fraction were similar to those found in the water samples and appeared in the region containing lignin-like compounds. In summary, this study proposed a novel analytical protocol to characterize DOM from different ecosystems using UPLC-FT-ICR MS. This method could separate DOM components using UPLC with eluents of different polarities and analyze them using high-resolution FT-ICR MS to reveal their molecular compositions and possible chemical types. This protocol offers solid technical support for the comprehensive profiling of DOM at the molecular level.

Key words: ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), dissolved organic matter, visualization
