色谱 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 1062-1072.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2023.04026

• 专论与综述 • 上一篇    下一篇


翟洪稳, 马红玉, 曹梅荣, 张明星, 马俊美, 张岩(), 李强*()   

  1. 河北省食品检验研究院,河北省食品安全重点实验室,国家市场监管重点实验室(特殊食品监管技术),特殊食品安全与健康河北省工程研究中心,河北 石家庄 050227
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-05 出版日期:2023-12-08 发布日期:2023-12-13
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail:snowwinglv@126.com(张岩); E-mail:sjzliq@163.com(李强).
  • 基金资助:

Application progress of on-line sample preparation techniques coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry system in the detection of food hazards

ZHAI Hongwen, MA Hongyu, CAO Meirong, ZHANG Mingxing, MA Junmei, ZHANG Yan(), LI Qiang*()   

  1. Hebei Food Safety Key Laboratory, Key Laboratory of Special Food Supervision Technology for State Market Regulation, Hebei Engineering Research Center for Special Food Safety and Health, Hebei Food Inspection and Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050227, China
  • Received:2023-05-05 Online:2023-12-08 Published:2023-12-13
  • Supported by:
    Research Project of Hebei Administration for Market Regulation(2021ZD17);Science and Technology Project of State Administration for Market Regulation(2020MK014);Hebei Province High Level Talent Funding Program(A202101055);Hebei Province High Level Talent Funding Program(C20221051)


食品安全检测具有重要意义,但食品样品基质复杂,测定其中危害物时,通常需要以下几个步骤:样品制备,即采用适合的样品前处理方法,在不同基质中将目标物分离出来;分离纯化,利用色谱系统进一步分离纯化目标物;定性定量分析,基于目标化合物的性质选择合适的检测器进行分析。其中样品制备是关键步骤之一,将样品制备过程与液相色谱系统耦合可以实现样品的在线自动化分析。与传统人工处理过程相比,在线分析不仅能够减少人工操作误差,保证良好的精密度和重复性,而且可以降低溶剂消耗,避免样品间交叉污染,同时节约分析时间,提高检测效率。本文主要介绍目前常用的在线样品制备技术,包括在线固相萃取(on-line SPE)、管内固相微萃取(in-tube SPME)、湍流色谱法(TFC),详细阐述了其基本原理和耦合设备。在线样品制备技术耦合液相色谱-质谱系统分为两个维度,主要依赖于阀切换技术,将样品制备(第一维度)和液相色谱系统(第二维度)之间建立物理连接,随后采用相应的检测器进行分析。第一维度的作用主要是去除样品杂质,净化分离目标物,为第二维度对目标物进行定性定量检测做准备。此外,文章对3种在线净化系统适用的不同净化填料进行了总结讨论。最后综述了近10年来3类在线系统在食品兽药残留、农药残留、毒素污染以及其他危害物检测中的应用和研究进展,并对该领域存在的问题和发展趋势进行了探讨和展望,以促进在线样品制备技术进一步应用于食品安全检测。

关键词: 在线样品制备技术, 在线固相萃取, 管内固相微萃取, 湍流色谱法, 食品危害物, 综述


Food safety has received increased attention, and food detection is of great significance. The food matrix is complex, and diverse food hazards have been identified. Thus, the detection methods and sample preparation techniques for food matrices must be continuously optimized and updated. Several steps are usually required when a chromatographic system is used to determine food hazards: sample preparation, that is, the separation of targets from different substrates using a suitable preprocessing method and target-substance separation and purification, which is usually achieved using chromatographic separation. The selection of an appropriate detector for qualitative and quantitative analyses is usually based on the properties of the target compound. The sample preparation procedure is considered the most time-consuming aspect of the entire food-analysis process. It is also prone to analytical errors. Therefore, optimization of the sample preparation process is a key issue in the field of chemical analysis. Researchers have developed a series of new, efficient, and accurate sample preprocessing methods, and an on-line sample-preparation system has been found to be a feasible approach. On-line sample preparation coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) presents many advantages. First, manual operation could reduce analytical errors to ensure good accuracy and repeatability. It could also reduce the consumption of chemical reagents and avoid cross-contamination between samples. Furthermore, an on-line sample-preparation system could shorten the sample-preparation time and improve the detection efficiency. On-line sample preparation coupled with LC-MS has been widely applied in the fields of environment, biology, and food. On-line sample preparation systems coupled with LC-MS are divided into two modules: the first modules involves sample preparation and the second module involves the LC system. The first module remove impurities and isolates the target compounds in preparation for their qualitative and quantitative detection. The coupling of these two modules depends mainly on valve switching.
In this paper, we introduce the most frequently used on-line sample-preparation techniques, including on-line solid phase extraction (on-line SPE), in-tube solid phase microextraction (in-tube SPME), and turbulent chromatography (TFC). We then describe the basic principles and coupling equipment of these three on-line analytical technologies in detail. The coupling equipment establishes a physical connection between the two modules. Next, we discuss the properties of different purification fillers in an on-line sample-preparation column. The applications and research progress of on-line systems for pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, and biotoxins are also discussed. Compared with offline sample preparation, on-line analytical systems present several advantages. On-line analytical systems can not only greatly reduce the analysis time and solvent consumption but also improve the detection sensitivity and accuracy. Such systems can be used to determine food hazards to ensure food safety. Finally, the existing problems and development trends of on-line analytical systems are discussed and prospected. To promote the applications of on-line analytical technology in food-safety detection, we suggest that the following three aspects be considered. First, more on-line purification columns with novel fillers, in addition to C18 or polymer fillers, should be developed. Second, compared with ordinary detectors, high-resolution MS detectors have better precision and accuracy. Coupling on-line analytical technologies with a high-resolution mass spectrometer may be beneficial for the further development of on-line analyses. Third, different food matrices should be compared and evaluated to continuously optimize the detection process and improve the efficiency of on-line analytical systems. As concerns regarding food safety issues have increased, the applications of on-line analytical technologies for food detection can be expected to become increasingly important.

Key words: on-line sample preparation techniques, on-line solid phase extraction (on-line SPE), in-tube solid phase microextraction (in-tube SPME), turbulent flow chromatography (TFC), food hazards, review
