色谱 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 275-281.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2023.07016

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


甘露1, 周杨叶2, 方琴琴3, 许健军2, 陈素清4, 朱岩2,5, 倪承珠6,*()   

  1. 1.浙江大学校医院, 浙江 杭州 310027
    2.浙江大学化学系, 浙江 杭州 310028
    3.浙江骥翔新材料有限公司, 浙江 台州 317300
    4.台州学院医药化工学院, 浙江 台州 318000
    5.浙江省微量有毒化学物健康风险评估技术研究重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310028
    6.台州市疾病预防控制中心, 浙江 台州 318000
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-18 出版日期:2024-03-08 发布日期:2024-03-19
  • 通讯作者: * Tel:(0576)89315933,E-mail:Nichengzhu2009@163.com.
  • 基金资助:

Determination of organic acids and anions in exhaled breath by condensation collection-ion chromatography

GAN Lu1, ZHOU Yangye2, FANG Qinqin3, XU Jianjun2, CHEN Suqing4, ZHU Yan2,5, NI Chengzhu6,*()   

  1. 1. Zhejiang University Hospital, Hangzhou 310027, China
    2. Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China
    3. Zhejiang Jixiang New Material Co. Ltd., Taizhou 317300, China
    4. School of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, Taizhou University, Taizhou 318000, China
    5. Key Laboratory of Health Risk Appraisal for Trace Toxic Chemicals of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310028, China
    6. Taizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taizhou 318000, China
  • Received:2023-07-18 Online:2024-03-08 Published:2024-03-19
  • Supported by:
    Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(LTY20B050001);Zhejiang Medical and Health Science and Technology Project(2022RC298)


建立了一种非侵入式冷凝收集-离子色谱方法测定人体呼出气中乳酸、甲酸、乙酸、丙酮酸、Cl-$\mathrm{NO}_{2}{ }^{-}$$\mathrm{NO}_{3}{ }^{-}$$\mathrm{SO}_{4}{ }^{2-}$。搭建自制呼出气冷凝装置,该装置包括吹气口、与吹气口相连的单向阀和流量计、置于半导体冷凝装置中的冷阱以及一次性冷凝收集管。通过呼出气冷凝装置对人体呼出气进行收集,利用离子色谱对冷凝液(EBC)中有机酸和阴离子的含量进行检测。优化采集冷阱温度和采集流量,得到冷阱最佳冷凝温度为-15 ℃,呼气流量为15 L/min。采用1.5 mmol/L碳酸钠和3 mmol/L碳酸氢钠混合溶液作为流动相,泵流速为0.8 mL/min,分析柱为IC-SA3 (250 mm×4.0 mm),柱温为45 ℃。8种有机酸和阴离子的线性范围均为0.1~10.0 mg/L,相关系数均≥ 0.999 3。在进样量为100 μL时,方法的检出限为0.0017~0.0150 mg/L(S/N=3),定量限为0.0057~0.0500 mg/L(S/N=10)。方法的日内和日间精密度均≤ 7.50%(n=5)。采用该方法对5位健康受试者呼出气中的有机酸和阴离子进行检测,得到8种有机酸和阴离子的含量为0.18~42.3 ng/L。在10 km的长跑运动过程中,除了一位受试者代谢异常,其余受试者呼出气中的有机酸和阴离子含量总体变化趋势为先增加后减小。本方法采样过程简单,精密度好,且没有副作用,受试者不会产生任何明显不适或风险,可为日后人体代谢物的研究提供实验思路和理论依据。

关键词: 离子色谱, 有机酸, 阴离子, 呼出气冷凝液


A non-invasive condensation collection-ion chromatography method was established for the determination of organic acids and anions including lactic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, pyruvic acid, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, and sulfate in the exhaled breath of humans. The breath exhaled was condensed and collected using a home-made exhaled breath condensation equipment. This equipment included a disposable mouthpiece as a blow-off port, one-way valve and flow meter, cold trap, disposable condensate collection tube placed in the cold trap, and gas outlet. A standard sampling procedure was used. Before collection, the collection temperature and sampling volume were set on the instrument control panel, and sampling was started when the cold-trap temperature dropped to the set value, while maintaining the balance. Subjects were required to gargle with pure water before sampling. During the sampling process, the subjects were required to inhale deeply until the lungs were full of gas and then exhale evenly through the air outlet. When the set volume was collected, the instrument made a prompt sound; then, the collection was immediately ended, the expiration time was recorded, and the average collection flow was calculated according to the expiration time and sampling volume. After collection, the disposable condensation collection tube was immediately taken out, sealed, and stored in the refrigerator at -20 ℃ away from light, and immediately used for further testing. The organic acids and anions in exhaled breath condensation (EBC) were filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane filter before injection and detected by ion chromatography with conductivity detection. Factors such as collection temperature and collection flow rate during condensation collection were optimized. The optimal cooling temperature was set at -15 ℃, and the optimal exhaled breath flow rate was set at 15 L/min. The mobile phase consisted of a mixture of sodium carbonate (1.5 mmol/L) and sodium bicarbonate (3 mmol/L). The flow rate was 0.8 mL/min, and the injection volume was 100 μL. An IC-SA3 column (250 mm×4.0 mm) was used, and the temperature was set at 45 ℃. An ICDS-40A electrodialysis suppressor was used, and the current was set at 150 mA. The linear ranges of the eight organic acids and anions were 0.1-10.0 mg/L; their correlation coefficients (r) were ≥0.9993. The limits of detection (LODs) for the eight organic acids and anions were 0.0017-0.0150 mg/L based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, and the limits of quantification (LOQs) were 0.0057-0.0500 mg/L based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 10. The intra-day precisions were 5.06%-6.33% (n=5), and the inter-day precisions were 5.37%-7.50% (n=5). This method was used to detect organic acids and anions in the exhaled breath of five healthy subjects. The contents of organic acids and anions in the exhaled breath were calculated. The content of lactic acid was relatively high, at 1.13-42.3 ng/L, and the contents of other seven organic acids and anions were 0.18-11.0 ng/L. During a 10 km-long run, the majority of organic acids and anions in the exhaled breath of five subjects first increased and then decreased. However, due to abnormal metabolism, the content changes of lactic acid, acetic acid, pyruvic acid and chloride in one subject were obviously different from others during exercise, showing a continuous rise. This method has the advantages of involving a simple sampling process and exhibiting good precision, few side effects, and no obvious discomfort or risk to the subjects. This study provides experimental ideas and a theoretical basis for future research on human metabolites.

Key words: ion chromatography (IC), organic acids, anions, exhaled breath condensation (EBC)
