色谱 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 256-263.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2023.07006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


何红梅*(), 徐玲英, 张昌朋, 方楠, 蒋金花, 王祥云, 俞建忠, 赵学平   

  1. 省部共建农产品质量安全危害因子与风险防控国家重点实验室, 农业农村部农药残留检测重点实验室, 浙江省农业科学院农产品质量安全与营养研究所, 浙江 杭州 310021
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-20 出版日期:2024-03-08 发布日期:2024-03-19
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail:hehongmei53@163.com.
  • 基金资助:

Determination of three new herbicide residues in soil, sediment and water by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

HE Hongmei*(), XU Lingying, ZHANG Changpeng, FANG Nan, JIANG Jinhua, WANG Xiangyun, YU Jianzhong, ZHAO Xueping   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Managing Biotic and Chemical Threats to the Quality and Safety of Agro-products, Key Laboratory for Pesticide Residue Detection of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Agro-product Safety and Nutrition, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China
  • Received:2023-07-20 Online:2024-03-08 Published:2024-03-19
  • Supported by:
    Analysis and Testing Technology Projects of Zhejiang Province(2018C37013)


除草剂在杂草和有害植物防控上发挥着重要的作用,但其有效利用率低,大量除草剂进入环境中,对生态环境和人类健康构成了潜在威胁,因此建立环境样品中除草剂的残留分析方法尤为重要。该文采用电喷雾正离子源模式,建立了液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS)测定土壤、沉积物和水中异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺和苯嘧磺草胺残留量的方法。土壤和沉积物样品经乙腈振荡提取、盐析后经C18固相萃取小柱净化,水样过滤后经C18固相萃取小柱净化;再用LC-MS/MS测定样品中异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺和苯嘧磺草胺的残留量。实验优化了仪器检测和前处理条件,考察了方法的线性关系、基质效应、检出限和定量限,并选取4种土壤、2种沉积物和水样进行了方法验证。在0.0005~0.02 mg/L范围内,异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺、苯嘧磺草胺的线性关系均良好,r≥0.9961。3种除草剂在土壤、沉积物和水中的基质效应为-10.1%~16.5%。异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺和苯嘧磺草胺的检出限分别为0.05、0.02、0.01 μg/kg,定量限分别为0.2、0.05、0.05 μg/kg。异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺和苯嘧磺草胺在土壤、沉积物和水样中3个水平(0.005、0.1、2.0 mg/kg)下的加标回收率分别为77.2%~101.9%、77.9%~105.1%、80.8%~107.1%;相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为1.4%~12.8%、1.2%~7.7%、1.5%~11.5%。结果表明:本方法操作简单,方法稳定,定量准确,实用性强,可用于土壤、沉积物和水中异噁唑草酮、吡唑草胺和苯嘧磺草胺残留量的检测。

关键词: 固相萃取, 液相色谱-串联质谱, 除草剂, 土壤, 沉积物,


Herbicides play an important role in preventing and controlling weeds and harmful plants and are increasingly used in agriculture, forestry, landscaping, and other fields. However, the effective utilization rate of herbicides is only 20%-30%, and most herbicides enter the atmosphere, soil, sediment, and water environments through drift, leaching, and runoff after field application. Herbicide residues in the environment pose potential risks to ecological safety and human health. Therefore, establishing analytical methods to determine herbicide residues in environmental samples is of great importance. In this study, an analytical method based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in positive electrospray ionization mode (ESI+) was developed for the determination of isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil residues in soil, sediment, and water. The instrumental detection parameters, including electrospray ionization mode, mobile phase, and chromatographic column, were optimized. The mobile phases were methanol (A) and 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution (B). Gradient elution was performed as follows: 0-1.0 min, 60%A; 1.0-2.0 min, 60%A-90%A; 2.0-3.0 min, 90%A; 3.0-4.0 min, 90%A-60%A; 4.0-5.0 min, 60%A. The samples were salted after extraction with acetonitrile and cleaned using a C18 solid-phase extraction column. Different solid-phase extraction columns and leaching conditions were investigated during sample pretreatment. Working curves in the neat solvent and matrix were constructed by plotting the measured peak areas as a function of the concentrations of the analytes in the neat solvent and matrix. Good linearities were found for isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil in the solvent and matrix-matched standards in the range of 0.0005-0.02 mg/L, with r≥0.9961. The matrix effects of the three herbicides in soil, sediment, and water ranged from -10.1% to 16.5%. The limits of detection (LODs, S/N=3) for isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil were 0.05, 0.01, and 0.02 μg/kg, respectively. The limits of quantification (LOQs, S/N=10) for isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil were 0.2, 0.05, and 0.05 μg/kg, respectively. The herbicides were applied to soil, sediment, and water at spiked levels of 0.005, 0.1, and 2.0 mg/kg, respectively. The average recoveries for isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil in soil, sediment, and water were in the ranges of 77.2%-101.9%, 77.9%-105.1%, and 80.8%-107.1%, respectively. The RSDs for isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil were in the ranges of 1.4%-12.8%, 1.2%-7.7%, and 1.5%-11.5%, respectively. The established method was used to analyze actual samples collected from four different sites in Zhejiang Province (Xiaoshan, Taizhou, Dongyang, and Yuhang) and one site in Heilongjiang (Jiamusi). The proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate, stable, and highly practical. It can be used to detect isoxaflutole, metazachlor, and saflufenacil residues in soil, sediment, and water and provides a reference for monitoring the residual pollution and environmental behavior of herbicides.

Key words: solid-phase extraction (SPE), liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), herbicides, soil, sediment, water
