色谱 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 581-589.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2024.01003

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王紫颖1,2, 施海蔚2,3,*(), 马聪玉4, 柳文媛1, 陈蕾5, 刘真6, 袁耀佐2,3, 张玫2,3, 唐盛7,*()   

  1. 1.中国药科大学药学院, 江苏 南京 211112
    2.江苏省食品药品监督检验研究院, 江苏 南京 210019
    3.国家药品监督管理局化学药品杂质谱研究重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210019
    4.中国医学科学院药物研究所, 北京 100050
    5.国家药典委员会, 北京 100061
    6.南京市食品药品监督检验院, 江苏 南京 211198
    7.江苏科技大学环境与化学工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212003
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-03 出版日期:2024-06-08 发布日期:2024-06-07
  • 通讯作者: *Tel:(025)86251123,E-mail:germain0906@gmail.com(施海蔚);Tel:(0511)84401252,E-mail:tangsheng.nju@gmail.com(唐盛).
  • 基金资助:

Determination of fatty acid composition after saponification of common oil pharmaceutical excipients by supercritical fluid-evaporative light scattering method and its application in oil identification

WANG Ziying1,2, SHI Haiwei2,3,*(), MA Congyu4, LIU Wenyuan1, CHEN Lei5, LIU Zhen6, YUAN Yaozuo2,3, ZHANG Mei2,3, TANG Sheng7,*()   

  1. 1. College of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211112, China
    2. Jiangsu Institute for Food and Drug Control, Nanjing 210019, China
    3. NMPA Key Laboratory for Impurity Profile of Chemical Drugs, Nanjing 210019, China
    4. Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100050, China
    5. Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission, Beijing 100061, China
    6. Nanjing Institute for Food and Drug Control, Nanjing 211198, China
    7. College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
  • Received:2024-01-03 Online:2024-06-08 Published:2024-06-07
  • Supported by:
    Science Research Project of Jiangsu Provincial Drug Administration(202354);National Drug Standards Revision Project(2023Y41)


脂肪酸是油脂类药用辅料的重要组成成分,可直接反映油脂类药用辅料及制剂的质量和安全性。本研究利用超临界流体色谱-蒸发光散射检测器,建立了同时测定肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸、花生酸、二十二烷酸和木蜡酸6种脂肪酸的分析方法。为避免脂肪酸与酯相互转化而造成的脂肪酸种类与含量测定偏差,本方法采取先皂化后测定的方式,并系统优化了实验条件,实现了6种脂肪酸的定量分析。在优化的实验条件下,6种脂肪酸可在12 min内实现高效分离,并且在各自的质量浓度范围内线性关系良好,检出限和定量限分别为5~10 mg/L和10~25 mg/L,加标回收率为80.93%~111.66%。本文所建立方法灵敏,高效,重复性和稳定性好,满足油脂类药用辅料中脂肪酸的分析要求,并成功应用于5种常见油脂类药用辅料(玉米油、大豆油、椰子油、橄榄油、花生油)中6种脂肪酸的含量测定;同时结合主成分分析方法,实现了对不同油脂类药用辅料的准确判别,为油脂类药用辅料的快速鉴别和掺伪分析提供了有价值的参考。

关键词: 超临界流体色谱, 蒸发光散射检测器, 油脂类药用辅料, 脂肪酸, 皂化反应


Oils and fats are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry as solvents, emulsifiers, wetting agents, and dispersants, and are an important category of pharmaceutical excipients. Fatty acids with unique compositions are important components of oil pharmaceutical excipients. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia provides clear descriptions of the fatty acid types and limits suitable for individual oil pharmaceutical excipient. An unqualified fatty acid composition or content may indicate adulteration or deterioration. The fatty acid composition, as a key indicator for the identification and adulteration evaluation of oil pharmaceutical excipients, can directly affect the quality and safety of oil pharmaceutical excipients and preparations. Gas chromatography is the most widely used technique for fatty acid analysis, but it generally requires derivatization, which affects quantitative accuracy. Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), an environmentally friendly technique with excellent separation capability, offers an efficient method for detecting fatty acids without derivatization. Unlike other chromatographic methods, SFC does not use nonvolatile solvents (e. g., water) as the mobile phase, rendering it compatible with an evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) for enhanced detection sensitivity. However, the fatty acids in oil pharmaceutical excipients exist in the free and bound forms, and the low content of free fatty acids in these oil pharmaceutical excipients not only poses challenges for their detection but also complicates the determination of characteristic fatty acid compositions and contents. Moreover, the compositions and ratios of fatty acids are influenced by environmental factors, leading to interconversion between their two forms. In this context, saponification provides a simpler and faster alternative to derivatization. Saponification degrades oils and fats by utilizing the reaction between esters and an alkaline solution, ultimately releasing the corresponding fatty acids. Because this method is more cost effective than derivatization, it is a suitable pretreatment method for the detection of fatty acids in oil pharmaceutical excipients using the SFC-ELSD approach. In this study, we employed SFC-ELSD to simultaneously determine six fatty acids, namely, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, docosanoic acid, and lignoceric acid, in oil pharmaceutical excipients. Saponification of the oil pharmaceutical excipients using sodium hydroxide methanol solution effectively avoided the bias in the determination of fatty acid species and contents caused by the interconversion of fatty acids and esters. The separation of the six fatty acids was achieved within 12 min, with good linearity within their respective mass concentration ranges. The limits of detection and quantification were 5-10 mg/L and 10-25 mg/L, respectively, and the spiked recoveries were 80.93%-111.66%. The method proved to be sensitive, reproducible, and stable, adequately meeting requirements for the analysis of fatty acids in oil pharmaceutical excipients. Finally, the analytical method was successfully applied to the determination of six fatty acids in five types of oil pharmaceutical excipients, namely, corn oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and peanut oil. It can be combined with principal component analysis to accurately differentiate different types of oil pharmaceutical excipients, providing technical support for the rapid identification and quality control of oil pharmaceutical excipients. Thus, the proposed method may potentially be applied to the analysis of complex systems adulterated with oil pharmaceutical excipients.

Key words: supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD), oil pharmaceutical excipients, fatty acids, saponification reaction
