色谱 ›› 2025, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 220-227.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2024.03004

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛瓴问1, 孙皓2, 谌海杰2, 杨乾展3, 徐岚1,4,*()   

  1. 1.西南大学化学化工学院, 重庆 400715
    2.西南大学水产学院, 重庆 400715
    3.岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司重庆分公司, 重庆 400010
    4.西南大学分析测试中心, 重庆 400715
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-04 出版日期:2025-03-08 发布日期:2025-03-03
  • 通讯作者: 徐岚

Determination of 30 bile acids in the bile of Micropterus salmoides and Ctenopharyngodon idella using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry

MAO Lingwen1, SUN Hao2, CHEN Haijie2, YANG Qianzhan3, XU Lan1,4,*()   

  1. 1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2. College of Fisheries, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    3. Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch, Chongqing 400010, China
    4. Analytical and Testing Center of Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
  • Received:2024-03-04 Online:2025-03-08 Published:2025-03-03
  • Contact: XU Lan


胆汁酸(bile acids, BAs)是胆汁的主要成分,在糖脂和胆固醇的代谢中具有重要的意义。大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)和草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)都是我国重要的淡水鱼养殖品种,明确两种鱼胆汁中胆汁酸谱可为该养殖领域提供数据支持。本研究利用超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱开发了一种能同时检测30种胆汁酸的定性定量方法,并应用于大口黑鲈和草鱼胆汁中胆汁酸的种类和含量分析。方法优化了样品处理方法和仪器分析条件。胆汁样本经过离心后吸取上清液,以甲醇为提取溶剂涡旋混匀,经0.22 μm滤膜过滤后上机分析。采用Shim-pack Velox SP-C18色谱柱(100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.8 μm)进行分离,以0.01%冰乙酸水溶液-乙腈为流动相进行梯度洗脱,柱温50 ℃,进样量2 μL,采用电喷雾离子源(ESI)进行8种正离子、22种负离子的多反应监测(MRM)扫描。结果表明,30种胆汁酸在各自线性范围内线性良好,相关系数(R2)为0.9975~0.9997,回收率为72.3%~117.2%,相对标准偏差为0.46%~13.23%,方法的检出限(LOD)为0.01~0.75 ng/mL,定量限(LOQ)为0.02~2.28 ng/mL。利用所建立的方法对大口黑鲈和草鱼的胆汁进行检测,在大口黑鲈胆汁中成功检测出19种胆汁酸;在草鱼胆汁中成功检测出16种胆汁酸,大口黑鲈胆汁中有5种胆汁酸在草鱼胆汁中未检出,而草鱼胆汁中有2种胆汁酸在大口黑鲈胆汁中未检出。该方法简单快速,灵敏度和精确度高,适用于大口黑鲈和草鱼胆汁中30种胆汁酸的同时检测。

关键词: 胆汁酸, 胆汁, 大口黑鲈, 草鱼, 超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱


Bile acids (BAs), the primary components of bile, play significant roles in sugar, lipid, and cholesterol metabolism. Normal BA metabolism maintains a dynamic equilibrium by regulating gut microbiota to effectively protect the liver and intestines, thereby sustaining overall health. Conversely, abnormal BA metabolism can cause intestinal tissue and liver damage, disruption of enterohepatic circulation homeostasis, dysbiosis of gut microbiota, and gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases. Although largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are important freshwater fish species in China, their BA profiles have not been fully characterized. Elucidating these profiles could provide valuable data to support the aquaculture industry.

In this study, a qualitative and quantitative method for the simultaneous determination of 30 BAs in the gallbladders of M. salmoides and C. idella was developed using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. The samples were centrifuged and then the supernatant was extracted, vortex-mixed with methanol, and filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane. Various mobile phase systems commonly used in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry were investigated, including formic acid, acetic acid, ammonium formate, acetic acid-ammonium, and methanol-acetonitrile. Based on the response intensity, chromatographic separation, and peak shape of each substance, the optimal mobile phase was acetic acid and acetonitrile, and the concentration of acetic acid in water was optimized. To improve the ionization efficiency, the most effective ion scanning mode was selected by comparing the response intensities and peak conditions of each BA during mass spectrometry in positive and negative ion modes. Furthermore, the interface voltage for each BA and the ion source interface temperature were investigated to determine the optimal mass spectrometry conditions. Ultimately, separation was performed using a Shim-pack Velox SP-C18 column (100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.8 μm) with gradient elution of 0.01% acetic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile, and the total analysis time was 14 min. The column temperature was 50 ℃ and the injection volume was 2 μL. Multiple reaction monitoring of 8 positive ions and 22 negative ions was carried out using electrospray ionization. Different series of mixed standard working solutions, prepared based on the response intensity of each BA, were used to construct standard curves. All 30 BAs exhibited good linearities within the investigated concentration ranges, with correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.9975-0.9997, indicating high accuracy. Spiked recoveries were 72.3%-117.2%, and the inter-day precisions were in the range of 0.46%-13.23%. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.01-0.75 ng/mL and 0.02-2.28 ng/mL, respectively, enabling the precise detection of low-concentration BAs. Using the established method, 19 BAs were successfully detected in the bile of M. salmoides, and 16 BAs were detected in the bile of C. idella, enriching the BA profiles of both species. Notably, five BAs present in the gallbladder of M. salmoides were undetected in the gallbladder of C. idella, whereas two BAs found in the gallbladder of C. idella were absent from the gallbladder of M. salmoides, demonstrating differences between the BA compositions of these species. The developed method is characterized by simplicity, speed, high sensitivity, and accuracy, harnessing the high-throughput advantages of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS), and is suitable for the simultaneous detection of the 30 BAs in the gallbladders of M. salmoides and C. idella.

Key words: bile acids, bile, Micropterus salmoides, Ctenopharyngodon idella, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS)
