Chinese Journal of Chromatography ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 342-347.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2012.11032

• Special column of chromatographic stationary phases • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Synthesis of porous spherical silicon oxynitride material and evaluation of its properties in reversed-phase chromatographic separation

ZHONG Hongmin1, ZHANG Hua1, WAN Huihui1,2*   

  1. 1. Analytical Center, Faculty of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;2. CAS Key Laboratory of Separation Science for Analytical Chemistry, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China
  • Received:2012-11-30 Online:2013-04-22 Published:2013-04-24


Silica has been widely used as HPLC column packing material. However, the fact that base can attack the silanol and dissolve the silica embarrasses the utilization of silica stationary phase in high pH mobile phases (pH>8). In our previous research, the use of porous spherical silicon oxynitride (sph-SiON) material from high temperature nitridation of silica microspheres as stationary phase for HPLC has been explored, and the sph-SiON is stable to alkaline mobile phases and demonstrates excellent separation of a variety of polar compounds in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) mode. Herein, the degree of nitridation was studied as a function of temperature of nitridation at 750-1050 ℃, yielding the silicon oxynitride with 0.40%-12.0% (mass fraction) nitrogen from elemental analysis. At the temperature of 1050 ℃, the nitrogen content increased from 12.0% to 24.5% with the nitridation time increasing from 20 h to 120 h. The sph-SiON is stable when disposed in different pH aqueous solutions for one week. The sph-SiON material can be modified to give hydrophobic surface through the reaction of surface Si-NHx with dimethyloctadecylchlorosilane. Elemental analysis and 13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS) NMR spectrum of C18-sph-SiON prove the integration of C18 alkyl groups attached onto the sph-SiON surface. The chromatographic evaluation of C18-sph-SiON in reversed-phase separation mode was performed with alkylbenzenes as hydrophobic probes. Three alkylbenzene compounds can be separated and retained well on C18-sph-SiON even in the mobile phase of methanol/H2O (70/30, v/v) with 78507 plates/m, and an excellent tailing factor (0.95) can be obtained for ethylbenzene. In comparison with C18-SiO2, C18-sph-SiON shows distinct differences with respect to different classes of analytes, i.e. neutral analyte naphthalene, acidic analyte ibuprofen, and basic analyte amitriptyline.

Key words: elemental analysis, liquid chromatographic stationary phase, reversed-phase chromatography, silica, silicon oxynitride

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