
  • Chinese Journal of Chromatography is the only professional journal in China dedicated to report the research on the basic and applied theories in chromatographic area. It attaches more importance on the front-line subjects, up-to-date developments and achievements in chromatographic research and its related areas. It serves to introduce the applications of chromatographic theories and technologies in various sectors. Contributions consist mainly of research papers dealing with chromatographic and electrophoresis theories, instrumental developments and their analytical and preparative applications in life science; pharmaceutical research and biotechnology; organic chemistry and chemical engineering; environmental and homeland security; food analysis and safety; material science; medicinal chemistry; systems biology; natural products; etc. The journal is published in Chinese language, with detailed abstracts, key words, the titles and contents of figures and tables provided in English. The main columns in this journal include Articles, Reviews, Special Dedication and Highlights.

     Chinese Journal of Chromatography is distributed abroad by China National Publishing Industry Trading Corporation (P. O. Box 782, Beijing 100011, China).

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