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    Chinese Journal of Chromatography
    2011, Vol. 29, No. 09
    Online: 28 September 2011

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    Preparation of monolithic materials and their applications in proteomic analysis
    LIANG Yu, ZHANG Lihua*, ZHANG Yukui
    2011, 29 (09):  805-815.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00805
    Abstract ( 2108 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (299KB) ( 696 )  
    Proteomics is one of the core contents of life science in the post-genomic era, among which it is very important to develop the analytical techniques with high resolution, high sensitivity, high accuracy and high throughput. With the advantages of facile preparation, fast mass transfer, low backpressure and easy modification, monolithic materials have been widely used in proteomic analysis. This review summarizes the preparation methods of different kinds of monolithic materials (including organic polymer monoliths, silica-based monoliths, organic-inorganic hybrid silica monoliths) and their applications in proteomic study such as the digestion of proteins, the separation of proteins or peptides, high throughput analysis integrating online digestion, separation and identification.
    Principle, technique and applications of on-line focusing in capillary electrophoresis
    LIU Shengquan, WANG Hailin*
    2011, 29 (09):  816-829.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00816
    Abstract ( 2339 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (357KB) ( 659 )  
    Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has wide applications in many fields because of its extraordinary advantages, such as high efficiency of separation, high speed, and high throughput. However, the detection sensitivity is relatively low due to short detection window and short optical length. To improve the detection sensitivity, a number of on-line sample focusing and stacking modes have been developed, such as field-amplified sample stacking, pH gradient preconcentration, micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC), isotachophoresis (ITP). These on-line focusing techniques have been of intensive interest because of the ease of operation and simultaneous focusing during capillary electrophoresis separation. Here, we review the principle, advanced techniques and latest applications of on-line capillary electrophoresis focusing.
    Special Dedication
    Preparation of C18-silica hybrid monolithic capillary column by “one-pot” process and its application
    ZHANG Zhenbin1,2, OU Junjie1*, DONG Jing1, WANG Fangjun1, WU Minghuo1, LIN Hui1,2, ZOU Hanfa1*
    2011, 29 (09):  830-836.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00830
    Abstract ( 2398 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (339KB) ( 654 )  
    A “one-pot” process for the preparation of organic-silica hybrid capillary monolithic column by concurrently using tetramethoxysilane (TMOS), vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) and the organic monomer, N-(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)dimethyl-octadecylammonium bromide (MDOAB), is described. The polycondensation of alkoxysilanes and the copolymerization of MDOAB and VTMS were subsequently carried out within the confines of a capillary under the proper reaction conditions. The performance of the C18-silica hybrid monolithic column was investigated by capillary electrochromatography and capillary liquid chromatography. In addition, the C18-silica hybrid capillary monolithic column was also applied in the analysis of tryptic digests of bovine serum albumin by capillary liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (CLC-MS/MS) for demonstrating its potential in proteome analysis. This in situ process of incorporating functional groups into silica monolith provides a new way for the preparation of the organic-silica hybrid monolithic column.
    Construction of a two-dimensional liquid chromatography separation system for high abundance proteins depletion in human plasma
    ZHU Shaochun1,2, ZHANG Xueyang1, GAO Mingxia1, YAN Guoquan1, ZHANG Xiangmin1,2*
    2011, 29 (09):  837-842.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00837
    Abstract ( 2252 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (283KB) ( 523 )  
    High abundance proteins existing in human plasma severely impede the detection of low abundance proteins. This is one of the most difficult problems encountered in plasma proteomics research. We developed a two-dimensional liquid chromatography system with strong anion exchange chromatography-reversed-phase liquid chromatography (SAX-RPLC) for the extensive separation of plasma proteins and selective depletion of high abundance proteins. TSKgel SuperQ-5PW was selected as the first dimensional separation column for crude human plasma fractionation and Jupiter C4 column was selected as the second dimensional separation column. Separation gradients of the two-dimensional liquid chromatography system were optimized to ensure an extensive separation of plasma proteins. Ten peaks with high signal intensities (>20 mAU) at 215 nm during the second dimensional separation were collected and identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). As a result, 32 proteins, all of which were reported to be high abundance proteins in plasma, including human serum albumin (HSA), immunoglobulin G (IgG) and so on were successfully identified. This system provides an effective method for future depletion of more high abundance proteins and in-depth research in human plasma proteomics.
    Study of phospholipid profile of ovarian tumor by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
    ZHAO Sumin1,4, WANG Yisheng2, DOU Abo1, CHEN Jing1, LU Xin1, CAO Rui3, XU Congjian2, XU Guowang1*
    2011, 29 (09):  843-850.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00843
    Abstract ( 2222 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (376KB) ( 584 )  
    Ovarian tumor has been paid more and more attention since its influence on women’s health and life quality is increasing. Ovarian cancer is one of the three gynecologic cancers, and its mortality is the highest one of them. Phospholipid metabolic profiling method based on high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS) has been applied in the study of ovarian tumors including benign (B) and malignant (M) ovarian tumors. The data of phospholipid profile collected by HPLC/ESI-MS were transformed and the peak list was obtained with the commercial software automatically. The total differences of phospholipids among M, B and normal (N) groups were found with the orthogonal signal correction and partial least-squares (OSC-PLS). Further, the differential phospholipids were selected according to the S-plot, the variable importance value (VIP>1) and p (p<0.05). These phospholipids were plasmalogen phospatidylethanol, phosphatidylcholine, plasmalogen phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and lysophosphatidylcholine. This research provides some new and useful information of what has happened in phospholipids of the women with ovarian tumors.
    Phosphorylated membrane proteome analysis of human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line
    HOU Chunyan1,2, MA Junfeng1,2, TAO Dingyin1,2, ZHANG Lihua1*, LIANG Zhen1, ZHANG Yukui1
    2011, 29 (09):  851-856.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00851
    Abstract ( 1798 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (283KB) ( 455 )  
    A strategy with the combination of multiprotease digestion and the selective enrichment of phosphopeptides by silica hybrid monolith based immobilized Ti4+affinity chromatography (Ti4+-IMAC) was proposed, and applied in the global profiling of phosphorylated membrane proteome of neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. The fraction of membrane proteins was extracted by ultra speed centrifuge, followed by washing with 1 mol/L sodium chloride and 0.1 mol/L sodium carbonate. For digestion, chymotrypsin and pepsin with broader specificity were used as complementary enzymes to trypsin. The phosphopeptides were then selectively enriched by monolithic Ti4+-IMAC column, and analyzed by nanoflow high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. A total of 43 phosphoproteins were identified, among which 14 proteins were located on the membrane. All these results demonstrated that the proposed strategy might be promising to promote the in-depth study of neuroblastoma and discover the candidate biomarkers.
    Development of a droplet-interfaced high performance liquid chromatography-capillary electrophoresis two dimensional separation platform
    YE Linquan, WU Qingshi, DAI Simin, XIAO Zhiliang, ZHANG Bo*
    2011, 29 (09):  857-861.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00857
    Abstract ( 2005 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (237KB) ( 555 )  
    Proteomics demands high resolution multidimensional separation techniques due to its extremely high complexity. Droplet microfluidics provides a series of unique advantages in manipulating micro and nanolitre samples, such as micro-volume operation, limited diffusion and none cross-contaminating, therefore has the potential to be an ideal interface strategy for multidimensional separation. Using the microchips of different structures, functions such as “droplet generation” and “oil depletion” can be realized. Based on these functions, samples can be transferred from continuous flow to segmented flow and then back to continuous flow. In this way, different separation modes can be combined. In this study, droplet technology was utilized as a novel interface strategy in combining high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). Using tryptic peptides mixture as a sample, this two dimensional HPLC-CE system provided high resolution separation with a peak capacity over 3000. This proof-of-principle study has demonstrated the usefulness of droplet interface technology in multidimensional separation.
    On-line preconcentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate-protein complexes using electrokinetic supercharging method with a prefilled water plug in capillary sieving electrophoresis
    LIU Jing#, KANG Mingchao#, LIU Zhen*
    2011, 29 (09):  862-868.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00862
    Abstract ( 1704 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (249KB) ( 421 )  

    An electrokinetic supercharging (EKS) method with a prefilled water plug at the head column of capillary was developed for on-line preconcentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-protein complexes in capillary sieving electrophoresis (CSE). Conventional EKS is a combination of electrokinetic injection with transient isotachophoresis (tr-ITP). The capillary is first filled with background electrolyte, then an appropriate amount of a leading electrolyte is filled and electro-injection is carried out for certain duration. After that, terminating electrolyte is filled, and tr-ITP is subsequently initiated, followed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation. In this work, the performance of EKS was evaluated by integrating multiple sub-methods step by step, and a water plug containing polymer was introduced before electrokinetic injection in order to further improve the concentration effect. The positive effects of the sub-methods were verified, including molecular sieving effect of polymer, field enhanced sample injection (FESI) with and without a water plug, and transient isotachophoretic electrophoresis-based FESI. It was observed that analyte discrimination usually encountered in conventional electrokinetic injection was eliminated due to the similar charge to mass ratios of SDS-protein complexes. Based on these results, a hybrid on-line preconcentration method, EKS with injecting a water plug containing polymer before sample electrokinetic injection, was proposed and used to indiscriminately preconcentrate SDS-protein complexes, which provided a sensitivity enhancement factor of more than1000. It was very suitable for the analysis of low-abundance proteins, providing the information of their molecular mass.

    Chemical enrichment of tyrosine phosphopeptides
    HU Lianghai1,2*, TAO W. Andy2
    2011, 29 (09):  869-875.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00869
    Abstract ( 2558 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (310KB) ( 452 )  

    Tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins plays a vital role in signal transduction pathway. Currently, antibody-based method dominates the tyrosine phosphopeptide enrichment and there is a lack of other general approaches for selective isolation of tyrosine phosphopeptides. However, antibody-based methods are of high cost and biased to certain motifs. Here we developed a chemistry-based method for tyrosine phosphopeptide enrichment. This method utilized the β-elimination, which only occurs on phospho-serine/threonine residues, to achieve the reverse selection effect. After the dephosphorylation of serine/threonine phosphopeptides a sensitive phosphopeptide isolation method was applied to enrich tyrosine phosphopeptides. In this proof-of-concept study, it showed that the β-elimination for several standard serine phosphopeptides was completed over 99% while the recovery of tyrosine phosphopeptide remained at around 70% within 20 min. In the further test with 6-protein digests monitored by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis, only tyrosine phosphopeptides were detected. Due to the low-cost and unbiased properties, the method has potential applications in tyrosine signaling pathway analysis as an alternative to antibody-based approach.

    Preparation of procion brilliant blue-doped silica nanorods and their recognition properties for proteins
    DENG Qiliang*, CHEN Yang, WU Jianhua, LI Yanli, LIU Chunjing, SONG Weijing
    2011, 29 (09):  876-880.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00876
    Abstract ( 2189 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (213KB) ( 457 )  
    Protein enrichment and separation is one of the pivotal preliminary steps of proteomics studies, which is important to medical diagnosis and treatment. In this study, procion brilliant blue-doped silica nanorod was prepared via self-assembly sol-gel technology without any additional template. Procion brilliant blue was covalently linked to 3-aminopropyltriethyloxy silane in ethanol. Tetraethylorthosilane (TEOS) was then added into the mixture, subsequently hydrolyzed and co-condensed for 3 h under stirring. The resulted nanorods were isolated by centrifugation, re-dispersed in deionized water, and centrifuged again. This wash process was repeated three times. Finally, the nanorods were dried under vacuum. Procion brilliant blue acted simultaneously as a self-assembly template during the preparation process, and subsequently as recognition probe for proteins. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image showed that the nanotubes were 2~16 μm in length and 200~500 nm in diameter. The obtained nanorods were further characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSA), separately. All these results indicated that procion brilliant blue were successfully doped into silica nanorods. The recognition property of nanorods for bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated under static condition. The resulted nanorods showed high binding capacity (57.6 mg/g) for BSA and fast adsorption equilibrium (within 60 min). The nanorods were also evaluated with four typical proteins, hemoglobin, trypsin, lysozyme and pepsin, with different relative molecular masses and isoelectric points. The results indicated that the prepared nanorods exhibited the highest binding capacity for trypsin (87.5 mg/g) and the least binding for hemoglobin (Hb, 3.0 mg/g). This easy preparation protocol and excellent recognition property make the prepared materials a bright future in proteomics research.
    Preparation of strong cation-exchange monolithic column and its application in polypeptide separation by capillary electrochromatography
    QI Nan1, CUI Ruihong1, YOU Huiyan1,2*
    2011, 29 (09):  881-884.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00881
    Abstract ( 1916 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (152KB) ( 524 )  
    A strong cation-exchange monolithic column was prepared by polymerization inside the fused-silica capillary. The solution consisted of acrylic acid and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid as functional monomers, N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide as a cross-linking agent, dimethyl sulphoxide and dodecanol, 1,4-butanediol as organic porogenic solvents and azobisisobutyronitrile as a suitable initiator. The effects of the applied voltage, concentrations of organic modifier and salt solution, pH value on the electroosmotic flow were investigated. The experimental results showed that there existed a good linear relationship between the applied voltage and electroosmotic flow with a correlation coefficient of 0.9981; When the concentration of organic modifier (acetonitrile, ACN) was less than 70%, the swelling degree of stationary phase played a main role and the electroosmotic flow was decreased abnormally with the increase of ACN concentration; The electroosmotic flow was decreased with the increase of the concentration of phosphate. When the pH value was in the range of 3~9, it did not exert a significant change in electroosmotic flow. These results were consistent with the theoretical role. At the same time, five peptides were separated successfully under the optimal experimental conditions on the monolithic column for capillary electrochromatography. The column has obvious advantages in polypeptide separation and will be favorable for the protein investigation.
    Evaluation of the retention properties of two cyclodextrin stationary phases with different spacers
    ZHAO Yanyan1,2, GUO Zhimou1, XUE Xingya1*, LIANG Xinmiao1
    2011, 29 (09):  885-889.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00885
    Abstract ( 1818 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (204KB) ( 452 )  
    A set of 14 model compounds were selected to evaluate the retention properties of two silica-based cyclodextrin (CD) bonded stationary phases with different spacers (Click Alkyl-CD and Click OEG-CD) under reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (RPLC) mode. The gradient calculation method and CSASS software developed in our group were applied to obtain the retention parameters of the 14 solutes on the two CD bonded stationary phases under 3 gradient conditions. The effect of acetonitrile content in the mobile phase on the retention of both CD stationary phases was studied. It was found that the retention of non-polar and medium polar compounds on the both stationary phases was based on RPLC mode, while the retention of some compounds (such as indazole) on Click OEG-CD was influenced by several kinds of interactions and was not based on RPLC mode. The hydrophobic property of the two CD stationary phases in RPLC mode was studied. High correlation value (R=0.7) between the retention parameter of Click Alkyl-CD and n-octanol-water partition coefficients of the solutes indicated the high hydrophobicity of Click Alkyl-CD. Nevertheless, the low correlation value (R<0.3) between the retention parameter of Click OEG-CD and n-octanol-water partition coefficients indicated the presence of influence of other interactions in addition to hydrophobic interaction on the retention in RPLC mode.
    Synthesis of hollow titania microspheres by using microfluidic droplet-template
    MA Jingyun, JIANG Lei, QIN Jianhua*
    2011, 29 (09):  890-895.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00890
    Abstract ( 1854 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (336KB) ( 694 )  
    Droplet-based microfluidics is of great interest due to its particular characteristics compared with the conventional methods, such as reduced reagent consumption, rapid mixing, high-throughput, shape controlled, etc. A novel method using microfluidic droplet as soft template for the synthesis of hollow titania microspheres was developed. A typical polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic device containing “flow-focusing” geometry was used to generate water/oil (W/O) droplet. The mechanism for the hollow structure formation was based on the interfacial hydrolysis reaction between the continuous phase containing titanium butoxide precursor and the dispersed containing water. The continuous phase mixed with butanol was added in the downstream of the channel after the hydrolysis reaction. This step was used for drawing the water out of the microgels for further hydrolysis. The microgels obtained through a glass pipe integrated were washed, dried under vacuum and calcined after aging for a certain time. The fluorescence and scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the microspheres indicated the hollow structure and the thickness of the shell. In addition, these microspheres with thin shell (about 2 μm) were apt to rupture and collapse. Droplet-based microfluidic offered a gentle and size-controllable manner to moderate this problem. Moreover, it has potential applications in photocatalysis combined with some modification realized on the chip simultaneously.
    Development and evaluation of a novel three-dimensional adjustable confocal laser-induced fluorescence detector
    LIU Fan1,2, YU Shuxin2,3, TANG Tao2,3, SUN Yuanshe2,3, ZHANG Weibing1, LI Tong2,3*
    2011, 29 (09):  896-900.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00896
    Abstract ( 1834 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (209KB) ( 487 )  
    Laser-induced fluorescence detector (LIFD) is one of the most sensitive detectors in analytical chemical files. Confocal optical configuration is widely used in LIFDs. Two effective approaches used to achieve the best signal to noise ratio (S/N) are increasing the confocal precision and minimizing the background noise. A novel three-dimensional adjustable confocal LIFD was developed, using a new three-dimensional adjustable supporter of reflector and modularized optical system. A detection limit (S/N=3) of 1×10~12 mol/L and a linear dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude were obtained using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) standard as the test sample. The noise level and drift levels were 8.0×10~3 mV and 1.4×10~3 mV/h, respectively, which were almost 10 times lower than before. And the stability of the LIFD was evaluated by five replicate injections of 5×10~9 mol/L FITC, and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of peak height and peak area were 0.38% and 0.41%, respectively. Further more, three biogenic amines, which were derivatized by FITC, were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then detected by the novel LIFD. And the detection limits (S/N=3) ranged 0.01 to 0.02 nmol/L, which were better than other methods. Therefore, the LIFD is highly sensitive, as well as shows a real low noise level and good reproducibility.
    A novel gas chromatography detector based on ion mobility spectrometry technology and its application
    CHENG Shasha1,2, CHEN Chuang1,2, WANG Weiguo1, DU Yongzhai1,2, HAN Fenglei1,2, LI Lin1, ZHOU Qinghua1,2, ZHANG Xiang3, LI Haiyang1*
    2011, 29 (09):  901-907.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00901
    Abstract ( 1828 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (315KB) ( 544 )  
    Ion mobility spectrometry(IMS)is an attractive detector of gas chromatography (GC) due to its high sensitivity, short response time, and comparatively low cost. The hyphenated GC-IMS instrument can simultaneously provide high separation ability of GC and high sensitivity of IMS. In this paper, one setup of a GC-IMS instrument is introduced. The parameters of IMS as the GC detector were evaluated and studied with respect to the resolution and sensitivity including temperature, total voltage and drift gas flow rate. Under the optimal conditions, GC-IMS was used to detect iodomethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, tetrachloromethane and dibromomethane and the detection limits were 2, 0.02, 1 and 0.1 ng, respectively. And the linear ranges of two orders of magnitude were achieved. As the detector of gas chromatography, IMS can provide more information for compound identification because of its second dimensional separation and can realize selective detection of different compounds.
    Simultaneous determination of 20 underivatized amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light-scattering detection
    WANG Yuhong1,2, SHEN Keyu2, LI Peng2, ZHOU Junyi3, YAN Chao1,2,3*
    2011, 29 (09):  908-911. 
    Abstract ( 2740 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (147KB) ( 769 )  
    An analytical method for the determination of underivatized amino acids was established with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with evaporative light-scattering detection (ELSD). A domestic evaporative light-scattering detector was used to determine underivatized amino acids. A BISCHOFFTM C18 AQ PLUS column and a solvent gradient elution with 0.2% heptafluorobutyric acid containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid as mobile phase A and methanol as mobile phase B were used. The temperature of the drift tube in ELSD was 40 ℃ and the flow rate of dry air was 2.5 L/min. The logarithm of the peak area and logarithm of the mass of each separated amino acid was in good linearity. The linear ranges of the 20 amino acids were from 30~300 mg/L. The limits of detection (S/N>3) for the underivatized amino acids were from 24 ng to 100 ng. The average recoveries of the 20 amino acids were between 90.6% and 106.0%. This method and system are simple, rapid and accurate for the determination of underivatized amino acids. It can be used for the determination of underivatized amino acids in pharmaceutical, food and chemical industry fields.
    A novel vapor dynamic headspace enrichment equipment for nontarget screening of volatile organic compounds in drinking water
    MA Huilian, ZHANG Haijun, TIAN Yuzeng, WANG Longxing, CHEN Jiping*
    2011, 29 (09):  912-917.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00912
    Abstract ( 1669 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (338KB) ( 501 )  
    A novel vapor dynamic headspace enrichment device was set up for nontarget screening of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water. The main operating parameters of this device, such as length of distillation tube, volume of collected condensate, and choice of absorbent, were optimized. In this device, vapor was utilized as a purge gas and water was utilized as a absorbent. With the help of the device, one liter of water sample could be concentrated to 5 mL and the sensitivity of traditional purge and trap-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (P&T-GC-MS) could be improved 1~2 orders of magnitude. Source and disinfected water samples from a water treatment plant were analyzed with this method. Compared with the traditional P&T-GC-MS analysis without pre-enrichment, the numbers of identified VOCs were improved from 0 to 16 for source water and 5 to 35 for disinfected water samples. It is also shown that there are many halide compounds in VOCs in disinfected water which do not exist in source water.
    Preparation of L-phenylalanine chiral ligand-exchange chromatographic stationary phase by atom transfer radical polymerization and resolution of racemates
    SUN Yang, XU Fei, GONG Bolin*
    2011, 29 (09):  918-922.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00918
    Abstract ( 2024 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (215KB) ( 493 )  
    A novel stationary phase was synthesized for chiral ligand-exchange chromatography via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was grafted onto the surface of the silica by ATRP using bromoisobutyryl bromide as an initiator, and the organic metal compound formed in the CuCl/2,2′-bipyridine(Bpy) system as a catalyst at room temperature. The chiral stationary phase was then synthesized by grafting L-phenylalanine on the surface of the silica. The stationary phase was characterized by means of elementary analysis and evaluated in detail to determine its separability. The amount of L-phenylalanine on the surface of silica was calculated to be 4.32 mg/m2. The results showed that the good enantioseparations of some DL-amino acids were obtained using ligand-exchange chromatography on the synthesized chiral stationary phase (50 ℃) with 0.05 mol/L KH2PO4 and 0.1 mmol/L Cu(Ac)2 solution (pH 4.5) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and a wavelength of 223 nm. The influences of the mobile phase pH, concentration of Cu (II), and temperature of column on the resolution of DL-amino acids by ligand-exchange chromatography were investigated. The results showed that these conditions could affect the resolution of racemates. Compared with the column prepared by radical method using L-phenylalanine directly bonded onto the surface of the silica, the synthesized stationary phase showed a better separation ability, and the DL-aspartic acids and DL-asparagines could be separated at baseline.
    Determination of gibberellins in Arabidopsis thaliana by matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
    WANG Lu1, WU Qian2, DUAN Chunfeng2, WU Dapeng2, GUAN Yafeng1,2*
    2011, 29 (09):  923-926.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00923
    Abstract ( 2114 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (186KB) ( 583 )  
    A method for the analysis of gibberellin A1 (GA1), gibberellin A3 (GA3) and gibberellin A4 (GA4) in Arabidopsis thaliana by matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction (MSPD) and high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was developed. The solid sample of Arabidopsis thaliana was gently blended with C18 to obtain a homogeneous mixture. This mixture was transferred to an SPE cartridge filled with 0.5 g C18 to form a MSPD column. GA1, GA3 and GA4 were eluted with cold 80% methanol aqueous solution. The target compounds were separated on a C18 column with a gradient elution of 0.05% formic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile as the mobile phase. The identification and quantification were carried out by using electrospray ionization in negative ion mode (ESI~) with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The linear ranges for GA1, GA3 and GA4 were all from 10 to 300 ng/g with correlation coefficients greater than 0.98. The limits of detection were in the range of 1.1~4.1 ng/g. The average recoveries and relative standard deviations were 54.7%~102.6% and 3.2%~12.8% respectively in the spiked range of 10~50 ng/g. The method is simple, sensitive, efficient and accurate. It is suitable for the confirmation and quantitative determination of GA1, GA3 and GA4 in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Accurate determination of chloramphenicol in pork by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
    YANG Zong, LI Xiuqin, WANG Juan, ZHANG Qinghe*
    2011, 29 (09):  927-931.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00927
    Abstract ( 1894 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (170KB) ( 599 )  
    An accurate method was described for the determination of chloramphenicol (CAP) in pork. The analyte was quantified by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) operating in negative ion multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The sample was treated by liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate followed by a clean-up step on an HLB solid-phase extraction cartridge. Chloramphenicol-D5 (CAP-D5) was added as an isotope internal standard. Under the optimized conditions, the calibration curve showed a good linearity in ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 ng/g CAP. The correlation coefficient r2 was 0.9998. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification were 0.004 and 0.02 ng/g, respectively. The average recoveries of CAP at 0.02 ng/g and 1.0 ng/g spiked levels ranged from 95.2%~109.1%, 99.7%~102.5%, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of intra-day and inter-day were less than 2%. Meanwhile, matrix effect factors k of CAP and CAP-D5 were determined under different mobile phases and the sample solvent composition, the k was in the range of 0.950~1.015. The method can be used as a confirmed method for the determination of CAP in pork.
    Preparation of flavonol glycoside reference standard series from Epimedium brevicornum Maxim using pilot-scale preparative high performance liquid chromatography
    GAO Mingzhe, WANG Li, PENG Jie, XIAO Hongbin*
    2011, 29 (09):  932-936.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00932
    Abstract ( 1962 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (202KB) ( 470 )  
    Icariin and epimedins A, B, C are a series of active flavonol glycoside in Epimedium brevicornum Maxim. A pilot-scale preparative high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed to purify the four flavonol glycosides as reference standards from the crude extract of Epimedium brevicornum Maxim. After the crude extract containing ~20% flavonols was enriched using macropore resin, the obtained target fractions were subjected to pilot-scale preparative HPLC purification. With the aid of a self-packed pilot-scale preparative column (220 mm×77 mm, 10 μm), the 4 target compounds were separated well within 35 min in a single chromatographic run by the elution with acetonitrile-water (26:74 or 30:70, v/v). By repetitive injection of the enriched target fraction onto the preparative column, 33 g icariin as well as 4.6 g epimedin C, 3.7 g epimedin B, and 0.6 g epimedin A were obtained from 300 g crude extract. The purities of all products were greater than 98%. This pilot-scale preparative HPLC technique and the two step separation technology for 4 target compounds are quite useful for the production of the reference standard series with good purity like icariin, epimedins A, B, C standards due to its high performance, rapid separation and more amounts of products obtained.
    Isolation and analysis of a new phytoecdysteroid from Cyanotis arachnoidea C. B. Clarke
    TAN Chengyu1*, KONG Liang1, LI Xi2, LI Wei1, LI Ning2
    2011, 29 (09):  937-941.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00937
    Abstract ( 1747 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (232KB) ( 467 )  
    Cyanotis arachnoidea is a plant with plenty of phytoecdysteroid. To study the active compound in it, a new phytoecdysteroid with 5α-cholesta skeleton, was isolated from the whole plant of Cyanotis arachnoidea C. B. Clarke by using various chromatographic methods (alumina column chromatography, silica gel column chromatography, octadecyl silane (ODS) column chromatography, thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)). Its structure was analyzed on the basis of 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonances (NMR), electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) methods. It is a compound with structure of 3β,4α,14α,20R,22R,25-hexahydroxy-5α-cholest-7-en-6-one, which is a rare phytoecdysteroid with 5α-H.
    Characteristics of electroosmotic flow in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography with magnetic nanoparticle coating as mixed-mode stationary phase
    QIN Sasa1, ZHOU Chaoran2, ZHU Yaxian1, REN Zhiyu2, ZHANG Lingyi1, FU Honggang2*, ZHANG Weibing1*
    2011, 29 (09):  942-946.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00942
    Abstract ( 1699 )   [Full Text(HTML)] () PDF (217KB) ( 504 )  
    Shanghai Key Laboratory of Functional Materials Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Material Chemistry (Ministry of Education), Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China) Abstract: A novel open-tubular capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) column with magnetic nanoparticle coating as mixed-mode stationary phase was prepared. The mixed-mode stationary phases were obtained by mixing C18 and amino modified magnetic nanoparticles with different ratios. The mixed modified magnetic nanoparticles as stationary phase were introduced into the capillary by using external magnetic force. The magnetic nanoparticle coating can be easily regenerated by removing the external magnetic field, and applied to other separation modes. The characteristics of electroosmotic flow (EOF) were theoretically investigated through the effect of physicochemical properties of different stationary phases on EOF. The experiment was conducted under different ratios of mixed-mode stationary phases and coating lengths, and it was verified that the theoretical conclusions accorded with the experimental results. It was shown that the EOF can be easily adjusted by changing the ratio of stationary phases or the number of permanent magnets.